How to choose speaker Vibration diaphragm?

Professional speaker engineers will know that the diaphragm plays a vital role in the speaker. The diaphragm is designed to convert mechanical vibrations into sound. It usually consists of a film or sheet of various materials suspended over its edges. The changing sonic air pressure causes the vibrating diaphragm to vibrate mechanically, which can then be converted into other types of signals. Examples of such diaphragms can be found in microphones and the human eardrum. Instead, the vibrating membrane vibrated by the energy source hits the air, producing sound waves. Examples of such diaphragms are diaphragms and diaphragms in speaker diaphragms and headphone air speakers.

The impact of the diaphragm on the headphone speaker unit: material, size, thickness, and surface patterns all affect the sound quality.

  • Vibration membrane material

Different materials of the diaphragm have different rigidity, elastic modulus, internal damping, thickness, density, etc. These differences directly affect the Q value of the speaker quality factor, resulting in different quality of the speaker unit. Diaphragms with high rigidity and high elasticity will have better qualities such as: transient, sensitivity, frequency response, etc.

  • Diaphragm size: The size of the sound film determines the size of the moving coil unit. The larger the size, the better the sound quality can be tuned, but the sound radiation and resonance will increase due to the size. Generally speaking, the larger the size, the easier it is for the mid-bass to be better, and the smaller the size, such as Φ3mm~6mm, the sound will be relatively biased towards the mid-high frequency. Common diameters are Φ3mm~57mm, those below Φ16mm are generally used on flat plugs and in-ear headphones, Φ20~30MM are generally used on earphones and medium-sized headphones, and Φ40~57MM are generally used in medium-sized and large-sized headphones. on the headset.


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